Everyone knows that Bass Pro Shops is the BEST for hunting and fishing gear – but, it is so much more! Opened in Pearl, MS in November 2005, this store was #1 in opening sales!
The Bass Pro Shops store in Pearl is a leader among Mississippi hunting outfitters, featuring a wide variety of outdoor gear, as well as historic pictures and artifacts from local hunters and anglers such as state record fish and wildlife mounts. From dioramas depicting outdoor life, to examples of animal taxidermy (stuffed deer), to waterfalls showing how fish migrate, there is something for everyone at the store. From stylish clothing for women (who may be hunters too!), to outdoor sports clothing for the whole family – whether you need gear for fishing in Mississippi, or simply want to learn more about Mississippi wildlife and conservation, shop Bass Pro Shops.
There are shoes and boots – boat and deck shoes, hiking, hunting, and wellington boots – and let’s not forget the waders (fishing, hunting, gaiters and chaps) more shoes and boots than you ever imagined!
And yes, there are boats! There are fish finders, trolling motors, anchors and ropes, life vests, but, there are boats! Tracker, Nitro, Mako and Tahoe, just to name a few of the brands. All your outboard motor needs can be found here, such as Mercury and Marine Dynamics, and there are even ATVs and UTVs!
But, let’s now talk about dining at Bass Pro Shops. Like all good shoppers, we get hungry and need some sustenance to fuel our shopping machine. Let’s talk about Uncle Buck’s Fishbowl & Grill!
Uncle Buck’s has been open since April 2006 and is home to 300 various tropical fish, in a 12,500 gallon aquarium! The décor is totally fish related, and is a treasure to see. Featuring a truly unique atmosphere and geared for family fun and dining, you can select a menu featuring a variety of appetizers, sandwiches, salads and burgers. You can even order fresh fish from affiliate The Islamorada Fish Company Retail Market in the heart of the Florida Keys, the sport fishing capital of the world (in operation since 1948). Islamorada has been family owned since its beginning and became affiliated with Bass Pro Shops in January 1998.
Now that you have refueled at Uncle Buck’s let’s go shopping! You may visit nearby Outlets of Mississippi or just stay at Bass Pro Shops, for the best in hunting and fishing gear!
Whether you need gear for fishing in Mississippi, or simply want to learn more about Mississippi wildlife and conservation, shop Bass Pro Shops.
Pearl, MS | Bass Pro Shops
100 Bass Pro Drive
Pearl, MS 39208
Open 364 Days a Year
Regular Store Hours
Mon – Sat 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sun 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM