Looking for a place to shop while visiting The Connection in Pearl? Look no further than the Outlets of Mississippi! With close to 80 stores such as COACH Factory, Michael Kors, Gap Factory Store, Banana Republic Factory Store, J.Crew, White House/Black Market, Chico’s Outlet, Nike Factory Store and Under Armour, among many more, our retailers offer dramatic savings of up to 65 percent off regular retail prices every day.
Mississippi’s rich heritage including its history, its people and its culture are celebrated through unique displays and interactive mediums throughout the property along with the opportunity for regional shoppers and tourists alike to visit the Mississippi Development Authority’s office for helpful travel and sight-seeing advice. We are proud of our local heritage, local management and operations, and we have local stores too!
NOW is a great time to visit the Center for all your Spring fashions as The Bunny on the Shelf Easter promotion is back by popular demand!
Find the cute, fluffy Bunny hidden in plain sight on the shelves of participating stores at the Outlets of Mississippi and be entered to win a BIG Basket of Goodies! From now until March 25 visit the participating stores (they’ll have a cute Bunny on the Shelf decal in their window) at the Outlets of Mississippi and find the elusive Bunny.
Drawing will be held on Saturday, March 26 just in time for the Easter holiday! You need not be present to win, but you must be 18 or older to enter.
@outletsofms #bunnyontheshelf #bigbasketofgoodies #entertowin